Harvesting is underway
First harvest of winged kelp (Alaria esculenta) from Skarveskjæret
After explosive growth the past weeks, the winged kelp is ready for harvesting
This is what we have been waiting for - harvesting time. Yet, it approached so fast that it seems almost unreal. But that's seaweed for you - some of the fasted growing 'plants' on the planet.
While we are testing how to bring in our seaweeds in an effective way and at the same time treating them carefully in order to keep them in good shape for high product quality, each step along the way is a learning process.
We are collecting the seaweeds on the ropes and bring them to Stokksund where we are hanging them to drip dry. Afterwards, they are being transferred to a drying container.
It's all about understanding our valuable crop - or rather understanding how to make it most valuable by handling it right.