Sea Farm
Currently, we are cultivating Sugar Kelp (Saccharina latissima) and Winged Kelp (Alaria esculenta) at our sea farm at Skarveskjæret. We collected parent plant material from the area, which was subsequently propagated by Hortimare.
In the fall, we transfer the minute seaweed seedlings to sea. During the winter, when light is scarce, we see little development of the seaweeds – just as in nature.
However, when the days got longer, our seaweed crop develops rapidly.
Harvesting takes place between April and June.

It feels paradoxical – to say the least: we have just completed yet another successful harvesting season and our storage is full of top-quality kelp, but at the same time we have never been as close to having to shut down the company.
Det kjennes ganske paradoksalt og uvirkelig ut: Vi har nettopp avsluttet nok en vellykket høste-sesong og lageret med høy-kvalitets butare og sukkertare er fullt, men samtidig er vi i ferd med å måtte stenge dørene for godt.
Also this year, the harvest would not have progressed so smoothly (despite some bad weather periods) if it had not been for our interns. Part 2
Also this year, the harvest would not have progressed so smoothly (despite some bad weather periods) if it had not been for our interns.
Time flies – and before we know it, the trainees that were visiting us at TANGO during the fall, are on their way again.
It’s that time of year again - kelp seeding for next year’s crop.