Finally! Our own production facility and a TANGO Seaweed Home
Being able to have all our activities under one - our own - roof, is a major milestone
Having searched for a production facility over what seems a VERY long time, we finally found our very own TANGO Seaweed home:
The new “Headquarters” is based in Haugsbygda, Sande – the neighboring municipality to Herøy where our ocean farm is located. Although we are further from the farm now, the fact that we can have all our activities - from drying to processing and storage - under one roof, justifies the extra mile.
For the past years, we were lucky to be able to rent a hall at the fish factory in Stokksund, which we used mostly during the drying season. However, limited space became a bottleneck, both for us and our generous hosts, who had accommodated us once again during the 2020 harvest when all other options fell through.
So when, in November 2020, we got the chance to buy the newly renovated building in Haugsbygda harbour – taking over from a boat building company which itself was looking to expand – the choice was not difficult.
Having our own facility makes it possible to optimise our production process, and allows us to plan ahead. We have started re-fitting the building to our needs and gathering equipment, products and people under the same roof. We are gradually moving in, feeling at home and are positive that TANGO will grow and flourish in Haugsbygda for many years to come.
The new facilities, including offices and meeting areas, also make it easier for us to accommodate visitors, host partner meetings, and look after the social aspects of the company. We look forward to opening our doors, and invite all TANGO friends to a proper housewarming party as soon as the pandemic situation allows.
You’ll find us in Haugsbygda, Budavegen 25, Gursken.
Or – to say it with the Sande Municipality Slogan: “Off the main road – luckily!” 😊
Currently, moving in is a work in progress…