Farewell and best wishes to our trainee, Wytse Vonk!
Saying goodbye to Wytse after his 6-month stay with us felt both strange and a little sad. However, we remember all the good days and are grateful for how he has enriched us during his time with us!
Wytse used his creative talent to produce some great documentaries for us.
As part of his MSc in Plant Science at Wageningen University, Wytse came in August 2021 to do his internship with us. He was going to help us examine if and how seaweed aquaculture could be performed in a similar way as permaculture on land.
His investigation into this subject resulted in a documentary about TANGO - growing seaweed ‘according to nature’s principles’. You can watch it here:
In addition to doing his academic work with us, Wytse became part of the team and participated in practically all activities - often with a new and fresh perspective. He learned ‘the ropes’ (quite literally), the Norwegian ‘TANGO’-vocabulary, he helped seeding this year’s seaweed crop and stayed long enough to see the new kelps emerging in early February.
His ideas and creativity, his good humour and his excellent cooking skills, his reflective comments and his skills for data anlysis, and not least his openness and curiosity have made a difference for us - and we will certainly miss him!
We wish Wytse all the best when he now starts his PhD back in the Netherlands and hope he will come to visit soon!