What can we learn from Agriculture? – Our new trainee will help us to find out!
Wytse Vonk, TANGO Seaweed trainee autumn 2021
Here is how he introduces himself….
I am Wytse Vonk, a 23 years old seaweed enthusiast from the Netherlands. The coming three months, I will do my internship at Tango seaweed. This is part of my study Plant Sciences in Wageningen. During my study, I have mostly been learning about agriculture on land, with a focus on soil science and nutrients. However, the sea has always attracted me a lot, so I was fascinated right away when I found out about seaweed cultivation. I grew up on the organic fruit and vegetable farm of my parents where I obtained my interest for agriculture and plants. I inherited the fascination for water and the sea from my father. He regularly took me and my brothers out to go sailing. Nowadays, I have my own sailboat which I enjoy sailing during summer, and refitting during winter. All in all, seaweed cultivation seems to be the perfect combination of my two interests: the sea and agriculture!
During my stay in Norway at Tango seaweed, I will take a closer look at the intersect of agriculture and seaweed cultivation. What are the differences and similarities? Do the sustainability pathways that have been taken in land-based agriculture also apply to seaweed cultivation? These are questions I will look into. Furthermore, I will be assisting wherever I can help. I am looking forward to learning a lot about seaweeds and the work around it in the coming months. I will mostly be working from the office of Tango seaweed in Haugsbygda. See you around there!