Open Day and Open Minds
We had an overwhelming response when we opened our doors on Oct 2, 2021 - © Wytse Vonk, TANGO Seaweed
Seaweeds engage not only us but others as well…
This was confirmed during our Open Day last week, when we had some 100 visitors following our invitation to see what we do and to get an impression of the world of seaweed.
Aside from partners and collaborators, friends and families and our new neighbours in Haugsbygda, we were overwhelmed by the response of interested individuals who just came to learn more.
Just as for our own team, it is often highly personal which aspect of seaweeds piques one’s curiosity.
On Saturday, we were able to share some of the seaweed diversity from our local shores, their beauty which becomes visible when they are pressed on herbarium sheets, the surprises connected to their many different tastes and not least the world of using seaweed as a raw material.
What does the sea farm look like? What kind of cultivation ropes do you use? Oh – it’s seeding like in agriculture, but the seaweed grows through the winter? How much energy does the drying facility use? How much water needs to be removed? - Often, it is the technological aspects of seaweed farming that appeals to those who have worked the seas in other maritime industries.
Sit down, relax, watch and learn…
And then, there is seaweed as human food; a sea vegetable or at least a food ingredient – healthy, tasty and sustainable. Although many of the new food trends point to seaweed as an important part of the solution, markets in Europe need to be established, and this takes time. A group of students from NTNU in Ålesund are working with market questions and joined us to learn more.
The day was a celebration of seaweed and a new way of ocean farming, and our guests made use of all possibilities to see, try, touch, taste, play and LEARN.
Inspiration and play - for young and old, © Wytse Vonk, TANGO Seaweed
We offered seaweed finger food which our friends – cooking students at Herøy Trade School - had prepared with our own seaweed products, and the selection of dishes – fish cakes with pesto, bolinhos, focaccia bread and seaweed butter and cakes (all of course with a good dose of seaweed) – were simply delicious!
Cooking Students from Herøy Videregående Skole, VG2 who made our delicious finger food with TANGO Seaweed products
With such tasty inspiration, many of our guests continued to our product section and supplied also their home kitchen.
The day was concluded with a competition in our production hall – including all the main skills that are necessary for becoming a TANGO team member – getting properly dressed in protective gear (safety first!), handling ropes and attachment clips (operations at sea), knowing your seaweed (it’s a universe), and not least – being engaged and having fun!
A competition where one can apply essential seaweed farming skills ;) © Wytse Vonk, TANGO Seaweed
What a day it was – TANGO Seaweed with a new way of ocean farming and as part of a community around us. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined in! And if you weren’t able to make it – don’t worry; there will be other opportunities to come.